Wednesday, January 28, 2015


          Ilocos Sur has a rich heritage and unique culture that are to be preserved for the next generations because it is observed that many of these traditions, songs, dances and other Ilocano culture are not familiar to the younger generations already. Children of today are paying more attention to the modern and novelty dances they seen on the television than the traditional ones. There is also a need to evaluate the different products of the different municipalities and the agricultural products and livestock of the farmers and fisher folks. Because of this, the provincial government of Ilocos Sur conceived a festival that will highlight these culture and traditions and attract local and foreign tourists as well. They call it the KANNAWIDAN Ylocos Festival, it is also a time to commemorate the anniversary of Ilocos Sur as a province since it was separated on February 3, 1818.
     The celebration was opened by a celebrated mass held at the St. Paul Metropolitan Cathedral followed by a procession of the patron saints of the 40 parishes and images of Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary around the province’s capital city. This shows the deep rooted religiosity of the Ilocanos. Rev. Fr. Roque Reyes who officiate the mass articulated in his homily that this festivity is the time to thank the Almighty not only for the abundance He showered for the province but also the rich heritage of the place including the strong ties among the Ilocano families.
        The Bayanihan Dance Company treated the Ilocanos with their world class performance of the Beauty of the Philippines through dances, music and sounds. They amazed the audience by their graceful movements and excellent rendition of songs and playing the indigenous musical instruments.

Friday, January 9, 2015


     When the new year comes around it seems like the perfect time for self-improvement.Even though I’ve always failed my New Year’s resolutions, every year I promise myself that this time will be different. I’ve tried everything from being a vegetarian to starting my homework earlier to giving up Facebook. Each time after about a month (at most) I’ve given up. Why do I even bother? I don’t feel that bad when I break my resolutions but sometimes I wish I could do better.
   In 2010, I tried something that didn’t require giving up food because I knew depriving myself of my favorite foods would be too hard. I promised to do my homework before Sunday night. As a freshman that year, I always waited to start my homework until Sunday evening or even Monday morning and often got incompletes on my homework. My parents were not too thrilled. So for my resolution I tried doing my homework during lunch the day it was assigned or as soon as I got home on Fridays.
    But about two weeks after school started, I realized doing my homework at lunch wasn’t a great idea because I always got distracted by all the fun I thought I was missing. I ended up with my book open but talking to my friends. Then about a month into the new year, I started hanging out on Friday nights and not doing my homework. After that I tried getting up on a Saturday morning and hitting the books, but I ended up reading the same line over and over. I was bored and felt like I had something better to do. After I answered one question, I would check my phone or send a text. This made homework take much longer and I eventually got bored and stopped. After that I went back to doing my homework on Sunday nights.


   Have you ever asked children what Christmas means to them?
      Why do they like this holiday more than any other holiday? Depending on their age the answers can be surprising. And this would be the time to explain why we have such a wonderful holiday.
      Not because of the decorations, all the parties, Santa Claus and the numerous other events going on, but the REAL meaning of the birth of the Christ Child. You will notice that in the above I didn't mention presents. There are those who believe that is all the Christmas means to some people and quite so, but I like to think it's because the three Wise Men brought gifts to the baby Jesus and that is how gifts became one of the symbols of Christmas. However our belief is, the holiday is worldwide and many people celebrate Christmas in one form or another.
     But who can ignore the beautiful music at this time of year, the choirs, concerts, symphonies, musicals, ballet, TV specials, kiddies TV specials and all the merriment that takes place? To see the children eagerly awaiting their seat on Santa's lap to tell him what they want to see under their tree.
   Driving along highways, through communities and around your own community to see how folks have decked out their lawns, homes and commercial places for the holidays. Take time to do this, if you haven't caught the Christmas spirit yet, seeing all of the unique splendor and colorful lights has to help you feel the tempo going on around you. Playing some Christmas music in your home while wrapping presents can also make you appreciate the wonderful season.


            Life is full of possibilities. However, as man grows older, those possibilities begin to drop off. Now, another possibility of my life has come to an end. Life is not monotonous because it changes. There is time for everything    
          Each class is different. Some are solemn and just no fun. Some have spirit and seem alive.
             Riiiing! Eleven to twelve. ICT time. Part of everyday life is to met new friends and build positive relationships no matter what the activity or venue may be. In school, every school year, you will also meet new teachers. In here, every person feel appreciated. So this is the best way in communicating by individualizing the attention. ICT has a good classroom management presupposes mutual understanding between our teacher and we the students. She's not only aware of what she teaches, but of what we expect from her and what kind of treatment we will be receiving to make the teaching and learning environment sound and orderly.

       Means challenging tasks and responsibilities! I have also encountered a lot of problems to complete all the activities or requirements. Sometimes, I need to adjust on what I used to do.

       Moving on to the next level, I will make it different that before. I will surely did my best to achieve my goals in this subject.