Thursday, February 5, 2015

My dream, My future

YOLO or You Only Live Once reminds us that everyone has only one life. God has given it to every creature which must be used in good things and to the fullest.
“You Only Live Once.” So everybody has the option on how to make us of his life. He has all the chances to take advantage of it for if it lost or gone, everything is gone, nothing is left.
As a child, son or daughter, doing all the duties and responsibilities to our parents and to our family would be a good practice to show that we value time and life given to us. For we may not be given the chance when life is taken away by the giver. Maximize time. Give the best effort. All this mean using life efficiently and effectively for others. Make others be satisfied by our actions for we may not give the satisfaction that they desire when life is gone.
As a student, one has to take all the chances to develop hi skills, talents and expertise. One has to dig all the possibilities to store knowledge, ideas, information and concepts. He has to take all chances to develop himself into a productive individual. Time and life is unpredictable so one has to take steps for living a wholesome life in order to become a worthy citizen in the future. One has to reach his goals and aspirations in life for time lost will not be regained. Make life the most of it before it’s too late.
As a citizen of the country, one has to be very conscious of doing things as to wither they are good or bad. Being a steward of our nature means repaying the life given to us by the Creator. Being a good Samaritan to the needy, helpless, less fortunate is a good avenue of living life in a useless way. Being aware the country’s problems and contributing even just a little mean using life essentially.
As a person, taking care of one’s self in all aspects displays a great importance of life. It shows that we are grateful with this precious gift. Use life productively to sustain and maintain its stability. Life is sacred so it must be respected. Do not use and overuse it. Live life in accordance to God’s will. Live to make life exciting, wonderful, useful and fruitful.
“You only live once.” Do all the significant things now, for there will be no second life on earth. Make life a precious one. Take care of it for if it is gone, it will not come back to us.



          "Some people spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Other, however, think that change is always a good thing. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion."

            My whole life, I have been presented to a single element called change. Change occurs in many different forms and is carried out in many different ways. However, just recently, I have come to the realization that change can be the deepest of all subjects. I always assumed that change occured when you moved to a new town or when you lost someone close to you. Those are elements to change, yes, but change doesn't have to occur over a single dramatic event. It can just happen overnight when your brain determines it's time to do something different. 

          The people who are in favor of bringing changes in their life argue that change is very important to break the monotony of life. They further argue that an order to swiftly excel in your career and financial status, change is inevitable. All the advancements in technology have been achieved through bringing a change. From the marketing point of view, in order to boost the sale of a product, the best way is to bring the changes in the shape and specifications. So change, such as in your company or professional status, brings the diversity, flexibility and financial growth in the life on an individual.

          It's dangerous to try to stop change and argue against it, especially if the person wants to change so much. The reason that somebody wants to change is usually not their choice, but a feeling that the person feels inside their head and heart. It's almost like a celestial force is making you change and you have no say in the matter but you know you have to because your mental and physical attributes are commanding you to. Maybe the change isn't the best change, but if you dig deeper, the person that you love and know isn't really changing, they are just trying to find themselves and the one thing they need the most is the support of the people who they care about the most. When the people they care about the most dismiss their change as something unimportant and try to guard down everything by rules and regulations, the person they loved begins to change out of sadness that the one group of people he or she thought would understand, really has no clue. Maybe change isn't always good or bad, like I was saying before, but it could be looked at as something to help you grow. So just remember..if someone is changing, be there for them, offer your their opinion but help them go through whatever they need to go through because they will do what they need to do regardless of the people that they really do love.