Sunday, November 23, 2014


      Rich ideas and insights are stored in the mind. Meaningful feelings and emotions are implanted in the hearts of humans. These become so significant if they flow freely. Outpouring what is in the heart and mind makes our place so wonderful and progressive. But how?

     Literary and English proficiency are great tools to out pour what one wants to express to others. Scribbling one’s thoughts, ideas and opinions serves as a way to communicate with others. Speaking out well through English language brings about better understanding among individuals.

      At times, people tend to keep what is inside the heart. Much as they desire to act it out, circumstances hinder them from doing it. But how much they hide these precious feelings, ways and means is at hand that allow them to flow or pour them out. Through writing, on literacy, people can extend what they feel.

     Many times, people are hesitant to speak out what is in their imaginative and creative minds. There are barriers that block them from telling verbally what they think are helpful and useful to mankind. Through literacy, one can write what he thinks good for others. One can share bright ideas which are of great benefit to his community and the nation at large.
Many too are good if not excellent speakers and communicators. People love so much expressing their thoughts and ideas. English proficiency is the ability to speak or perform in English language is a strong avenue in outpouring the minds and hearts. It is a sharp instrument that allows ideas and feelings to flow out freely.

      Being literate, fluent and proficient may lead to progress and development. Improved literacy may contribute o economic growth. It reduces poverty and crime. Promotion of democracy is of great chance. Increased civic engagement and enhancement of cultural diversity may greatly result. Increased education, self-esteem, confidence and empowerment are also significant benefits of literacy and English proficiency. These benefits are enjoyed because of available reading materials utilized by the individual. Through information provision, people are given chances of great and effective learning.

     Truly, literacy and English proficiency are bridges and roads that reach out and link what are in one’s mind and heart to others. These may eventually branch out to better understanding reaching a high level of progress and development.

Thursday, November 20, 2014



                  In a youth’s life, we must always be in fighting stance because the world is determined to bring you down!


                   Equality before the law, also known as equality under the law, equality in the eyes of the law or legal equality is the principle under which all people are subject to the same laws of justice. Law also raises important and complex issues concerning equality, fairness and justice. There is an old saying that “All are equal before the law.”

                EQUAL RIGHTS. Article 7 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states that “All are equal before the law and are untitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. According to the United Nations, this principle is particularly important to the minorities and to the poor. Thus, the law and the judges must treat everyone equally before the law regardless of their race, gender, gender identity, national origin, origin, ethnicity, or other characteristics, without privilege, discrimination or bias.


           EQUAL OPPORTUNITY. Stipulation that all people should be treated similarly, unhampered, by artificial barriers or prejudices or preference.

Thursday, October 16, 2014


          We may often feel life is not treating us fair. We don’t have so much as our opponent does, but we seem to work as hard if not harder. Sometimes, we found ourselves hopeless. But though, all these hardships and inconvenience, we persevere.
        “Tough guy? Wait until you hear my revelation.” – Corpuz
        It seems that each day brings new challenges and problems we must face. It appears how good you are during the game. You are surrounded with so many people and if you are really a fighter, you hardly ever face the difficulties you may encounter no matter what. We persevere.
        The fighting spirit lived on! Just when you think you are unique because you are able to handle the deadly kicks of your opponent. You get a slap in the face. It sucks right? Even in real life, we must able to handle the hardships. Still, we persevere.
        On reflection, taekwondo concluded quite a lot. If you can make it through the warm up, increased your fitness, improved your flexibility and strength and challenged you personally. In the end, you will truly know the meaning of perseverance.

Reflection in ICT (2ND gRADING PERIOD)


Time… So Precious

        Some people say, “Time is gold.” Many more say “Time is diamond.” Almost all say, “Time is precious.”
       “Measure of Time” is the topic in our Math class that really touched my everyday life.
       Many wasted things come back or can be acquired again through certain efforts. But there is one thing that is wasted that can never be regained. That is time. Time lost can never be regained.
       Time is very important. From the shortest measure of time to the longest one, I realized that it should be used wisely. The time given to us to work or study must be maximized so that it will result to a volume of accomplishments. The little time given to us is worth spending for there’s always a gain that we can get from it. The little time during our vacant period is still very essential if we use it in good things like reading, improving some skills or sharing good things to others. Longer time is more essential. With this, more things or goals in life can be achieved if we use it with our utmost capabilities.
       Things that can be done today must not be postponed for tomorrow. For there are still works to be done the next day.
       Relaxation and pleasure are still part of spending time but these must not be overdone because there are more important tasks to accomplish.
       I’ve learned the value of time so I’m trying to have good time management. There is a schedule for everything. Really, there is a time for everything. Set tasks in a particular time for we can never do these when we are running out of time. Rushing may result to dissatisfaction or even ineffectiveness.
       Time is continuously moving forward. It is good to move and work hand in hand with it for a taller pile of accomplishments, better results and eventually for a brighter future.
       Time is so important. It is more important if we use it to develop ourselves for a better tomorrow and for others to feel that they too are important to us. Spending quality with our families is much more important.

       Truly time is gold, time is diamond. It is so precious.

Monday, September 29, 2014

My teacher My hero


          Someone molds young minds and develops young talents. Performers are trained with her skills and expertise. Values are instilled with true-to-life situations. She creates a wholesome place and brings a bright future. An exceptional person who builds a strong foundation is a teacher whom I acknowledge as a superhero. A friend, mother, counsellor and adviser, too.
          In the hands of my teacher lies a great responsibility in mentoring and molding young people under her care. I am one of them who are lucky enough to be developed and trained the way I am now. I owe a lot from her for I fully realized the value of good education.
          Sacrifices and endless effort are her arms for a fruitful learning. These are her tools for children to reach a bright star. Five tiring school days is not enough for her to teach. Saturdays and Sundays are not spent as family days. Still, for the welfare of young children. That’s my teacher, a superhero. She’s so selfless, aiming the best with a goal of excellence.
          To combat idleness and laziness is a great concern. She trains children to spend time wisely. Her numerous inputs make us work hard. Giving various activities fight laziness which is a negative factor. A single second is gold. A single minute is diamond. Time with her is never wasted. Time management is always a part of her homily for she has developed that which brings about a commendable output. She has instilled and intensified that time is precious. Time lost will never be regained.
          My superhero is so much concerned with us. Though she’s very strict, I never regret being with her for I get so much gain. Gain which is used as my tool in higher ladder of learning. Pride, honor, reward and award are all at hard.
          With a big number of classes, Ma’am manages it well. Different kinds of children, so many types of traits and unpredictable and unavoidable circumstances front her. From the fastest learner to the slowest one whom she deals with make her life so challenging. Problems and trials become spices in her life. But because she’s a superhero, facing and embracing them is just a part of her mission. With a huge heart and wide hands, she’s a warrior who defeats and wins against all odds.
          At the end of the day, she deserves a qualify rest. But how? Surprisingly, she is still loaded with many paper works in going home. Looking at her, she can’t afford to stop her mission. Her devotion and dedication to his duty are her weapons to accomplish her mission. With her sacrifices, selfless dedication, endless service and countless quests for the welfare of mankind, I salute her!
          Truly, my teacher is a superhero, a fighter, comforter, protector, saviour, trainer, mentor, molder and value-developer.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Science Month


            A strong force to combat illness brings national wellness. It must be armed to the young scientists to make them mighty in fighting against the world of diseases. For having healthy youth brings the hope of having a healthy nation
     Various weapons and defenses are needed to affair the country’s goal of living in a pleasant environment. It needs a lot of collaborative effort among the concerned institutions.

     Proclamation 264 is the best avenue of attaining this goal for it mandates all educational institutions across the country to celebrate National Science Club Month. The Philippine Society of Youth Science Clubs leads the endeavor in the realization of this healthy goal.

     Proper and immediate dissemination of the programs and projects related to the celebration of the Science Math serve as a bridge to meet the force needed. Relevant activities like literary writing, art work, scientific research and the like make science clubbers aware of the importance of health. Symposium which delivers rich information about deafens strategies against diseases in an effective one. Integrating health practices in Science lessons provides health consciousness.

    Information, knowledge, skills and healthy experiences instilled in the minds of the young make them fortified against diseases. These significant factors become a part of their system which immune them with diseases. Knowing all these arms will lead to a successful battle.

    Just like using ammunition, the young needs effective ways to win over the deadly illnesses and unpleasant environment. The fight against pollution is great concerns.

    Strategies, techniques and approaches to fight against diseases are all at hand. It is now the responsibility of the young to utilize them for an excellent outcome. Arms and weapons maybe useless if hey are not used  effectively for an important purpose, that is, building a healthy nation.

    Arming the young and supporting them with their struggle makes them immune with what are undesirable. Educate them with healthful defenses to promote national wellness. At the end, they would utter, "We win in the battle."