Thursday, October 16, 2014

Reflection in ICT (2ND gRADING PERIOD)


Time… So Precious

        Some people say, “Time is gold.” Many more say “Time is diamond.” Almost all say, “Time is precious.”
       “Measure of Time” is the topic in our Math class that really touched my everyday life.
       Many wasted things come back or can be acquired again through certain efforts. But there is one thing that is wasted that can never be regained. That is time. Time lost can never be regained.
       Time is very important. From the shortest measure of time to the longest one, I realized that it should be used wisely. The time given to us to work or study must be maximized so that it will result to a volume of accomplishments. The little time given to us is worth spending for there’s always a gain that we can get from it. The little time during our vacant period is still very essential if we use it in good things like reading, improving some skills or sharing good things to others. Longer time is more essential. With this, more things or goals in life can be achieved if we use it with our utmost capabilities.
       Things that can be done today must not be postponed for tomorrow. For there are still works to be done the next day.
       Relaxation and pleasure are still part of spending time but these must not be overdone because there are more important tasks to accomplish.
       I’ve learned the value of time so I’m trying to have good time management. There is a schedule for everything. Really, there is a time for everything. Set tasks in a particular time for we can never do these when we are running out of time. Rushing may result to dissatisfaction or even ineffectiveness.
       Time is continuously moving forward. It is good to move and work hand in hand with it for a taller pile of accomplishments, better results and eventually for a brighter future.
       Time is so important. It is more important if we use it to develop ourselves for a better tomorrow and for others to feel that they too are important to us. Spending quality with our families is much more important.

       Truly time is gold, time is diamond. It is so precious.

1 comment:

  1. Time. It `really flies so fast. But do your best to be able to cope up with the running time. =D
